Archive for » sierpień, 2012 «

25.08.2012 | Autor:

Joanna Bątkiewicz-Brożek

W USA nikt nie ośmieliłby się określić naprotechnologii „metodą kościółkową”. Bo NaPro to najwyższe osiągnięcie współczesnej medycyny w leczeniu niepłodności.

Medycyna  z wysokiej półki

Metoda kościółkowa to trącące ignorancją określenie. Używane tylko w Polsce! W debacie o in vitro padają coraz bardziej agresywne i absurdalne zarzuty wobec naprotechnologii. Jak to możliwe, skoro to naukowa metoda leczenia niepłodności, korzystająca z najnowszych osiągnięć medycyny, przez WHO określana jako metoda medyczno-kliniczna. Osiąga lepsze rezultaty niż in vitro!

Bez kłamstw i ideologii

Rok temu byliśmy świadkami historycznego starcia: prof. Thomas Hilgers, „ojciec” naprotechnologii, spotkał się na konferencji neonatologów i perinatologów w Poznaniu z prof. Marianem Szamatowiczem, twórcą pierwszego dziecka z probówki w Polsce. Szamatowicz przyznał, że „program in vitro jest inwazyjny”, „niesie ryzyko genetycznych uszkodzeń płodów”, że 90 proc. zamrażanych zarodków ginie po rozmrożeniu, że mnogie ciąże przy sztucznej prokreacji są na porządku dziennym. Już sama inseminacja, czyli podanie pipetą męskiego nasienia na szyjkę macicy, musi być poprzedzona płukaniem nasienia.

Więcej w wydaniu papierowym lub e-wydaniu gościa ND.

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20.08.2012 | Autor:


Objective To study the outcomes of women with infertility or miscarriage treated with natural procreative technology (NaProTechnology or NPT), a systematic medical approach to promoting conception in vivo; and to compare the outcomes with those previously published from a general practice in Ireland.

Design Retrospective cohort study.

Setting An urban Canadian primary care practice in which the physician had a part-time practice in NPT.

Participants Couples with infertility or recurrent miscarriage who received treatment in the practice between August 2000 and July 2006.

Intervention All couples were taught to identify the fertile time of their menstrual cycles using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) and completed a standard NPT evaluation. Many also received additional medical treatment to enhance conception in vivo.

Main outcome measures Live birth was the primary outcome; secondary outcomes included conceptions, multiple births, low birth weight, and prematurity.

Results A total of 108 couples received NPT and were included in the analysis, of which 19 (18%) reported having 2 or more previously unexplained miscarriages. The average female age was 35.4 years. Couples had been attempting to conceive for a mean of 3.2 years. Twenty-two participants (20%) had previously given birth; 24 (22%) had previous intrauterine insemination; and 9 (8%) had previous assisted reproductive technology. The cumulative adjusted proportion of first live births for those completing up to 24 months of NPT treatment was 66 per 100 couples, and the crude proportion was 38%. The cumulative adjusted proportion of first conceptions was 73 per 100 couples, and the crude proportion was 47%. Of the 51 couples who conceived, 12 couples (24%) conceived with CrMS instruction alone, 35 (69%) conceived with CrMS and NPT medical treatment, and 4 (8%) conceived after additional surgical treatment. All births were singleton births; 54% were born at 37 weeks’ gestation or later; and 78% had birth weights of 2500 g or greater.

Conclusion Natural procreative technology in a family physician’s office was effective in treating infertility and miscarriage with outcomes that were comparable to those in an NPT general practice in Ireland. Larger multicentre prospective studies to compare NPT directly to other forms of infertility treatment are warranted.

Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada


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Natural Procreative technology for infertility andr ecurrent miscarriage, Outcome in a Canadian family practice_2012

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Natural procreative technology for infertility and recurrent miscarriage Outcomes in a Canadian family practice


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20.08.2012 | Autor:


Objectives: We evaluated outcomes in couples treated for infertility with natural procreative technology (NaProTechnology, NPT), a systematic medical approach for optimizing physiologic conditions for conception in vivo, from an Irish general practice.

Methods: All couples receiving treatment from 2 NPT-trained family physicians between February 1998 and January 2002 were studied. The main outcome was live birth, and secondary outcomes included conceptions and multiple births. Crude proportions and adjusted life-table proportions were calculated per 100 couples.

Results: A total of 1239 couples had an initial consult for NPT, of which 1072 had been trying for at least a year to conceive and initiated treatment. The average female age was 35.8 years, the mean duration of attempting to conceive was 5.6 years, 24% had a prior birth, and 33% had previously attempted treatment with assisted reproductive technology (ART). All couples were taught to identify the fertile days of the menstrual cycle with the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, and most received additional medical treatment, including clomiphene (75%). In life-table analysis, the cumulative proportion of first live births for those completing up to 24 months of NPT treatment was 52.8 per 100 couples. The crude proportion was 25.5. Younger couples and couples without previous ART attempts had higher rates of live birth. Among live births, there were 4.6% twin births.

Conclusion: NPT provided by trained general practitioners had live birth rates comparable to cohort studies of more invasive treatments, including ART. Further studies are warranted to compare NPT directly to other treatments.

Infertility is a common problem; one in every 7 couples hoping to have a baby experiences difficulties achieving or maintaining pregnancy serious enough to seek medical intervention.1 Infertility is a chronic problem that involves both women and men, has major psychosocial ramifications, and usually requires addressing multiple issues, including comorbid medical conditions and lifestyle, all key elements of primary care practice. However, treatments for infertility are largely provided by physicians trained in subspecialties, including artificial insemination, ovulation induction, and hormonal support of the menstrual cycle.1,2 The increasing shift of treatment toward assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, has removed infertility treatment further from the realm of the generalist or family physician.1,3

ART is expensive, invasive, and involves some risk to women. These include risks of the medical and surgical procedures to retrieve oocytes,4 including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.5 There are also concerns about short- and long-term outcomes for the offspring.69 The most prominent concerns relate to the incidence of multiple pregnancies with ART treatment and the subsequent perinatal complications, including low birth weight and prematurity.1012 Increasing the availability of integrated primary methods for infertility treatment that can be effectively provided by a trained generalist physician with low risk to women and offspring would potentially improve access to care for couples dealing with infertility.

Natural procreative technology (NaProTechnology, NPT) is an integrated and systematic approach to infertility that is suitable for primary care settings. It is based on a detailed study of events that occur during ovulation and throughout the menstrual cycle.13,14 Abnormalities of the reproductive cycle are identified and corrected to the extent possible.1518 Patients receive thorough education about their fertility and are taught to monitor biomarkers of their own fertility cycles. In the process, they become equal partners in their own evaluation and treatment.

A standardized NPT investigation usually results in the diagnosis of one or more abnormalities of reproductive function that are associated with infertility. Abnormalities commonly identified include decreased production of estrogenic cervical mucus, intermenstrual bleeding or spotting, short or variable luteal phases, and suboptimal levels of the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone.19 The physician trained in NPT then determines a course of treatment that aims to correct the underlying abnormality, with the goal of optimizing physiologic conditions for conception in vivo. Common interventions include induction or stimulation of ovulation20; medications to enhance cervical mucus production, including vitamin B6, guaifenesin, or one of several antibiotics21,22; and hormonal supplementation in the luteal phase.23 Doses of all medications are adjusted according to the response of biomarkers and serum levels of estrogen and progesterone measured in the midluteal phase.13,17 Concurrently, couples use their awareness of ovulation biomarkers to time acts of intercourse to maximize chances of conception.24 Ongoing evaluation and support during pregnancy often includes supplementation with human-identical progesterone, based on periodic measurement of progesterone levels, in an effort to reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.2528

Outcomes for NPT have been published previously for a cohort of infertility patients in a specialty practice at its place of development (Creighton University).29 This study was undertaken to assess the outcomes of NPT as applied by trained generalist physicians in Galway, Ireland. Although NPT has been developed with both medical and surgical protocols, this study evaluates the medical protocols. We focused on the clinically relevant outcomes of live birth and multiple births.

Pełny tekst wersja pdf:

Outcomes From Treatment of Infertility With Natural Procreative Technology in an Irish General Practice_2008

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Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: Outcomes From Treatment of Infertility With Natural Procreative Technology in an Irish General Practice


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17.08.2012 | Autor:

Founded by Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, the Pope Paul VI Institute, home of NaProTechnology and the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, is located in Omaha, Nebraska.
Please visit our website:

10.08.2012 | Autor:

Dr. Thomas Hilgers shares medical strategies that overcome infertility

Dr. Thomas Hilgers opowiada jak medycyna przezwyciężyła niepłodność w programie „Catholic Answers Live” z dnia 10 sierpnia 2012.

 dr Hilgers Catholic Answers LiveFriday, Aug 10, 2012 – 6pm ET


Overcoming Infertility_120810a

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01.08.2012 | Autor:

Phil Boyle – Odpowiedzialne rodzicielstwo (Responsible Parenthood). W wykładzie Dr. Phil Boyle przekazuje praktyczne wskazania dot. odpowiedzialnego rodzicielstwa oraz etycznych regulacji płodności z medycznego punktu widzenia zakorzenione w świadomości płodności, w Modelu Creighton’a i NaProTechnology.